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Make your CV stand out to AT Software!

Get better at making your CV pass AT Software selection and get hired!

35 euro

Available spots

Service Description

Job seeking can be very intense, stressful, and at times demoralizing. And while candidates spend hours (on average 4 hours per vacancy) to prepare and send a job application, many (50%) employers and HR officers – overwhelmed by hundreds of applications and tight deadlines – now use an applicant tracking system (ATS) that rejects 75% of applicants before their CVs are even seen by human eyes. The issue here is that those same elements that can make CVs stand out in a selection by humans, are exactly the ones that get CVs rejected by AT software! During this practical online session you will learn: – how to recognize whether you are applying through an ATS (job applications-selection software); - how to adapt your CV in order to pass ATS selection and reach the hiring managers; – the most effective tips and tricks to make your CV stand out not only to ATS but also to managers, recruiters and HR specialists; You have the opportunity to ask questions at the end.

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