Why Land your wished Job coaching?
You have been applying or want to start applying for a new job you would really like to get. You are doing your best but still, you have difficulties? It is normal, you are not the only one. Job seeking can be very intense, challenging and demoralizing.
if you are not sure which direction to take next in your career, I can help you to more clearly understand:
• what motivates and drives you at work, and what are your main talents and strengths
• which career is best for you to pursue
• how your unique personality and strengths match
up with the current Dutch job market.
Once you know which career path is best for you, I support you on how to best build such a career in the Netherlands.
I guide and assist you with:
• the main and most up-to-date tips and tricks to be successful in job applications in the Netherlands
• how to best write CVs and cover letters that stand out to employers, recruiters and AT Software!
• get well prepared to rock job interviews
• negotiate salary and conditions of job offers
Together we enhance your chances for your wished job!
Sometimes clients come to me knowing already what they need and wish to achieve. Some other times, they are not clear yet on what they exactly need and wish for. In both cases, coaching accelerates their progress by providing greater focus, clarity, and results.
Coaching concentrates on where people are now, and what they are willing to do to get where they want to be in the future. And it helps them reach deeper connection, higher achievements and fulfillment.
Want to explore whether coaching might be for you?
Book a free and obligation-free meeting
Book below or contact me for a no-obligation and free of charge consultation.
I work with my clients face to face in Leiden (NL), or on skype, in English or in Italian.
I understand well Dutch, French and Spanish as well.
The most difficult roads are often the ones
leading to the most amazing destinations...
Book a free intake and explore whether coaching is something for you at this moment in life!
What to expect
We can meet in person or online for a no-obligation and free of charge consultation meeting to explore together:
- what is coaching?
- how would it work?
- what are the times and costs involved?
- is coaching the right trajectory for what you’re looking for?
- am I the right coach for you?
Land your wished Job Coaching trajectory: time and money investment
My Job coaching session lasts 50 minutes and costs 70 euros online, 75 euros in person for individuals,
and 95 euros (incl. VAT) for companies.
Students, unemployed clients, and clients on longer coaching trajectories get discounted prices.
Do you need a specific payment arrangement? Contact me